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Biologique recherche lotion p50w


































It has active ingredients and penetrates deeper than most products on the market.Avoid eye area.For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.Allow P50 to penetrate before applying the next product. Please note: Your skin may feel a tingling sensation, this is the way P50 works.Starting at the decollete move upward to the neck and face.Next apply Biologique Recherche P50W onto a cotton pad.Menu Spa Shop Blog Search Search Advanced Search Search EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














Lotion P50 W

biologique recherche lotion p50w
Image source: cdn.shopify.com?v=1563891687

The fortified epidermis can then fulfill its protective functions completely, enhancing skin's self-regeneration potential.It is applied in the morning and in the evening.P50 balancing exfoliators speed up the epidermis' natural exfoliating process and the reconstruction of the epidermal shield.Lotion P50, our most famous and coveted product, is the keystone to Biologique Recherche skin care treatment.It gently exfoliates the skin, regulates excessive sebum secretion, moisturizes and helps maintain the epidermis' acid pH.Paris Air France La Premiere Lounge Professional Access Biologique Recherche Worldwide

biologique recherche lotion p50w
Image source: cdn.btyaly.com?auto=compress%252Cformat&fit=crop&h=639&ixlib=php-1.2.1&w=360&wpsize=smartphone-portrait-small


biologique recherche lotion p50w
Image source: cdn.btyaly.com?auto=compress%252Cformat&fit=scale&h=213&ixlib=php-1.2.1&w=320&wpsize=thumb-large-no-crop

Its fans will still tell you it is the single best thing they have ever put on their face.I, and the rest of the P50-loving world, say yes.I do, as I pat it into my skin every night, and then climb in bed and turn out the lights and dream of salt and vinegar chips.I have sensitive skin and a disturbingly acute sense of smell, which are two qualities you'd think would be enough to turn me off a product that is considered one of the most intense chemical exfoliants on the market and also reeks.It was made to work.Why is phenol, one of the original formula's star ingredients, so controversial.About that price: Good luck finding it, because part of P50's appeal is that it's a spa-professional product only sold by licensed retailers.You can understand why this is an unpopular ingredient.P50 was not made to be beautiful, or glamorous, or to not smell like it's been pickled. I tried splashing it on one night before bed, pressing a few drops into my face with my fingertips, just to say I did. And yet.

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Lotion P50W Exfoliant

biologique recherche lotion p50w
Image source: cdn.btyaly.com


Lotion P50W is a gentle all-in-one toner, balancing and exfoliating lotion enriched with both a toning complex and a botanical elastin. Lotion P50W is the most appropriate version of P50 for very sensitive skin. This new formula contains no phenol..

These acid toners are a cult classic, and after trying the Lotion P50W for a couple months, I now know why..

Biologique Recherche P50W is an acid toner ideal for sensitive, rosacea prone skin. Lotion P50 W gently exfoliates the skin, purifies pores, regulates oil production and re-balances the pH of the skin. This gentle blend of acids helps to shrink enlarged pores, and its Onion extract hydrates and moisturizes the skin.

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